Postal Operators as Providers of Shared Mobility Concept – An Analysis by Combined SWOT and AHP




Shared Mobility, Postal Companies, Universal Service Provider, Influencing Factors


The paper proposes integrating the concept of shared mobility into the postal delivery system, by that expanding the existing assortment of services. The basic tasks and prerequisites that a postal company should fulfill to function successfully as a provider of shared mobility are highlighted. The results of the A`WOT analysis, which combines SWOT and AHP approaches, are presented in the paper. Based on interviewing eight experts from the transportation industry, and implementing the proposed methodology, the most significant influencing factors of the introduction of the considered concept into the system of the public postal operator in Serbia are singled out.


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How to Cite

Dobrodolac, M., Lazarević, D., & Jovčić, S. (2024). Postal Operators as Providers of Shared Mobility Concept – An Analysis by Combined SWOT and AHP. Decision Making Advances, 2(1), 213–221.