The Evolution of Sentiment Analysis Across Various Scientific Disciplines: A Comprehensive Review Based on the Bibliometric Technique




Sentiment Analysis, Bibliometric Analysis, VOSviewer, Web of Science, Systematic Review


The unprecedented development of artificial intelligence has been associated with several challenges given its substantial influence on economic, social, and cultural structures. Particularly, natural language processing, text analysis, computational linguistics, and biometrics have been important topics of research among scholars in computer science (sentiment analysis), given the notable increase in social media marketing and e-commerce. In this respect, it becomes imperative to trace the evolution of sentiment analysis not only in computer science and information technology-related fields as existing literature does but also across other disciplines. Therefore, the current study is the first attempt to provide a comprehensive review for sentiment analysis using the bibliometric technique for 1668 research articles published in 2023 collected from Web of Science. In this study, we identify in percentage the contribution of sentiment analysis and common keywords across various research fields. Additionally, the most influential research and active collaborative authors are presented. Finally, the gaps and research topics, which received minimal attention regarding sentiment analysis, are suggested and elaborated on.


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How to Cite

Önden, A., Alnour, M., Simic, V., & Pamucar, D. (2024). The Evolution of Sentiment Analysis Across Various Scientific Disciplines: A Comprehensive Review Based on the Bibliometric Technique. Decision Making Advances, 2(1), 222–237.