Implementation of Effective Supply Chain Management Practice in the National Oil Corporation in Developing Country: An Integrated BWM-AROMAN approach




Supply chain management, Multiple criteria, Petroleum industry, BWM, AROMAN


This study introduces an approach to assess the adoption of an effective supply chain management practice (SCMP) in the petroleum sector, a vital component of any country’s economy. Enhancing the sector’s performance requires an effective implementation of the SCMP to address performance-related issues in a sustainable manner. For that, the best-worst method (BWM) determined the weights of four identified challenges to effective SCMP in the sector, and subsequently, the alternative ranking order method accounting for two-step normalization (AROMAN) evaluated four alternatives to overcome these challenges. To show the applicability of our approach, the national oil corporation in Kenya is considered as a case study. Results show that collaboration between supply chain actors for the provision of transport and distribution is the most appropriate alternative for an effective SCMP for the national oil corporation.


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How to Cite

Kiptum , C. K., Bouraima, M. B., Ibrahim , B., Oloketuyi , E. A., Makinde , O. O., & Qiu , Y. (2024). Implementation of Effective Supply Chain Management Practice in the National Oil Corporation in Developing Country: An Integrated BWM-AROMAN approach . Decision Making Advances, 2(1), 199–212.