Developing a Sales Dashboard with Power BI – A Case Study in a Pharmaceutical Company
Data analysis, Key Performance Indicators , KPIs, Sales dashboard, Industry 4.0, Pharmaceutical industryAbstract
A dashboard is a steering tool for data-driven decision-making and a lever for innovation in the pharmaceutical industry. It makes it possible to integrate relevant performance measurement indicators, chosen according to the objectives to be achieved and according to specific criteria. In this context, our work is inscribed, which aims to develop a dashboard for the sales department of a pharmaceutical company. The choice of this tool is motivated by its importance and the strategic challenge it presents for companies today. The implementation of this dashboard will be broken down into four phases. First, we collect sales department sales and develop the data marts. Then, to generate the data model, we have to import the database into Power BI (Microsoft Power Business Intelligent). We select the adequate KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to create the interactive sales dashboard. This dashboard allows the decision makers to analyze and visualize data, moving from traditional sales data storage to big data analytics. Based on this visualization tool, the sales manager can propose potential improvements and essential investments and develop the management review to be presented as an annual report. This report is important for managing and monitoring pharmaceutical activities. Existing data are used and visualized to target the goals of decision-makers.
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