Analysis of Critical Success Factors of Logistics 4.0 using D-number based Pythagorean Fuzzy DEMATEL method




Logistics 4.0, Critical Success Factors, Pythagorean Fuzzy Numbers, D-numbers, DEMATEL, Group decision making


Logistics 4.0 is a concept related to Industry 4.0, encompassing skills and notions of supply chain organization, integrating logistics with advanced technology in order to satisfy consumer demand for customized goods and services. Industry 4.0 is transforming businesses and supply chains through advanced technologies like analytics, big data, Internet of things, and cyber-physical systems, enhancing warehousing, manufacturing, and logistics. Logistics 4.0 can be regulated by properly analyzing specific Critical Success Factors using a Multi-Criteria Decision Making model in uncertain or ambiguous circumstances. Hence, it is necessary to explore the CSFs while bringing logistics 4.0 into action. These CSFs are interlinked, and this interlinkage is examined through the D-number-based Pythagorean fuzzy Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory method, which is suitable for group decision-making in incomplete and uncertain data. The proposed research paradigm incorporates the abilities of Trapezoidal Pythagorean Fuzzy Numbers for dealing with fuzziness and D-Numbers for getting an improved and further precise decision from a heterogeneous group of decision-makers using their linguistic choices. Additionally, it is adaptive and versatile in managing the intrinsic uncertainty brought on by ambiguous and subjective information.


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How to Cite

Nila, B., & Roy, J. (2024). Analysis of Critical Success Factors of Logistics 4.0 using D-number based Pythagorean Fuzzy DEMATEL method. Decision Making Advances, 2(1), 92–104.