Multi-Attribute Decision-Making for T-Spherical Fuzzy Information Utilizing Schweizer-Sklar Prioritized Aggregation Operators for Recycled Water
T-spherical fuzzy sets, Schweizer and Sklar norms, Hamacher norms, Lukasiewicz norms, Aggregation operators, Multi Attribute Decision-MakingAbstract
To handle problematic and ambiguous data, Schweizer and Sklar added a parameter p in 1960, which helped to develop the theory of SS t-norm (SSTN) and t-conorm (SSTCN). The parameter p=-1.1 can be used to easily derive the information of the Hamacher and Lukasiewicz t-norms. Furthermore, prioritized aggregation operators (PAOs) choose which data will be collected into a singleton set. The main contribution of this work is the construction of new aggregation operators for T-spherical fuzzy (T-SF) information based on SS t-norm and t-conorm. Moreover, the fundamental characteristics of the operators are identified. Further, we developed MADM (Multi-Attribute Decision-Making) models and deduced several useful properties from the operators T-SFSSPA, T-SFSSWPA, T-SFSSPG, and T-SFSSWPG. Finally, using an actual case study, we were able to draw the conclusion that, in comparison to the ground-breaking and current methods to enhance the value and capability of the diagnosed operators, the proposed MADM algorithm performs noticeably better than the operators in place for resolving the water recycling problem in a way that is easy to understand.
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