Optimizing Priority Sequencing Rules in Parallel Machine Scheduling: An Evaluation and Selection Approach using Hybrid MCDM Techniques





Job Scheduling, MCDM, FUCOM, MARCOS


Priority sequencing criteria are of utmost importance in the determination of the sequence in which jobs are processed at workstations in parallel machine scheduling. The utilization of diverse priority rules can result in varied sequencing arrangements, hence requiring more experimentation to ascertain the optimal rule. Hence, it is imperative to formulate a thorough approach for the selection of the most suitable priority sequencing rule from the standpoint of management decision-making. The objective of this research is to analyze and compare six different priority sequencing rules in the context of parallel machine scheduling. Additionally, a methodology is proposed for the assessment and selection of the most suitable rule. This methodology combines the full consistency method (FUCOM) with the measurement of alternatives and ranking according to compromise solution (MARCOS) method, which are both multi-criteria decision-making techniques. When reviewing and selecting the optimal priority sequencing rule, seven parameters are taken into consideration. The weights of these criteria are computed using the FUCOM method, while the relative proximity values of all priority sequencing rules are derived by the MARCOS method. The data indicate that the priority sequencing rules are prioritized according to their level of importance. The approach outlined in this study is essential for workstation management to make well-informed decisions regarding the choice of the most advantageous priority sequencing rule for parallel machine scheduling.


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How to Cite

Badi, I., Bouraima, M. B., Qiu, Y., & Stević, Željko. (2024). Optimizing Priority Sequencing Rules in Parallel Machine Scheduling: An Evaluation and Selection Approach using Hybrid MCDM Techniques. Decision Making Advances, 2(1), 22–31. https://doi.org/10.31181/dma21202422