From Ambiguity to Clarity: Unraveling the Power of Similarity Measures in Multi-Polar Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Sets




Decision-making, Soft Set, Similarity Measure, Distance Measures;, Intuitionistic Set


The utilization of similarity measures in the context of multi-polar interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy soft sets (mPIVIFSS) is a significant theoretical approach that offers a valuable structure for tackling intricate situations that are characterized by imprecise information and uncertainty. Nevertheless, these issues frequently entail conditions that are not limited in scope and exhibit a considerable level of uncertainty in scenarios involving multiple dimensions, hence presenting substantial difficulties. The objective of this research study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of similarity measures in the context of mPIVIFSS. Additionally, we will examine several operations, such as complement, subset, union, intersection, AND, OR, and De-Morgan’s Laws, as they relate to mPIVIFSS. This study not only includes theoretical debates but also explores practical applications. These efforts contribute to the improvement of decision-making, pattern recognition, and data analysis in settings characterized by ambiguous and uncertain information, hence emphasizing the importance of similarity measures in efficiently addressing multi-dimensional problems.


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How to Cite

Saqlain, M., & Saeed, M. (2024). From Ambiguity to Clarity: Unraveling the Power of Similarity Measures in Multi-Polar Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Sets. Decision Making Advances, 2(1), 48–59.